Upcoming Events

The Annual Ambrose of Milan Lecture, April 3, 2024, 7:00 pm, Rogalski Center (Gottlieb Room)

"Ambrose and His Community: Keeping Faith and Life Together"

Fr. Allan Fitzgerald, O.S.A.


Ambrose’s personal connection to the people of Milan was a crucial part of his role as bishop; obviously, his faith was an experience that had to be lived in mutually supportive ways. This talk will look at how Ambrose acted out his relationship with the people in faith-filled ways from three perspectives: as a student of the Scriptures, in the midst of social turmoil, and in his interactions with others.


The Annual Ambrose Colloquium, April 3, 2024, 3:00 p.m., Lewis Boardroom (3rd floor Ambrose Hall)

"Open Minds, Open Doors: Applying Ambrosian Virtues of Goodwill and Justice"

Nicole Gant (Campus Ministry), Amara Lytle '24, and Benjamin Boley '24, Katie Van Blair (Dean, I.A. & G.S., Prof. Social Work)


Each member of the panel will comment on the Ambrosian virtues of justice and goodwill in our Church and civil society.  Contributing to the campus-wide conversation on "radical hospitality," the panel will focus on applying those virtues to welcoming refugees.   After the panel has spoken, the discussion will be opened to all attendees to share questions and comments.


Both events are free and open to the public; light refreshments to follow

Hosted by the Academy for the Study of St. Ambrose of Milan, SAU

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